

10 Tricks to Get Your Little (and Not-So-Little) Picky Eaters to Eat Their Veggies

Hi! I’m Dr. Monique, AKA Physician In The Kitchen™. Today I want to talk about the epic battle of all time. No, not good vs evil, East Coast vs West Coast rap, Marvel vs DC Comics, or even the iPhone vs well, everything else. I’m referring to the battles that take place a million times a day across our nation, in kitchens, dining rooms and restaurants from coast to coast: parents trying to get their kids to eat their vegetables....
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3 Steps to Easy Meal Planning

With all of the responsibilities, tasks, chores, and jobs vying for our attention, meal planning may not be the most exciting, but it is very important. Our bodies are highly-tuned machines, and they require high-quality fuel to operate at their best. Many of us do not get the recommended daily intake of essential nutrients and vitamins, and our bodies suffer because of it.
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3 Processed Or Packaged Foods That Are Actually Good For You!

Processed and packaged foods are not recommended because during processing all of the healthy nutrients are removed from the food. For example, brown rice has more nutrients and fiber than processed white rice does. But there are exceptions to every rule. Let’s look at three processed foods or packaged foods that you actually should have on hand in your freezer or pantry because they’re actually good for you.
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