How Good Food Can Help You Have Good Sex!


Hi MealMasters! I am Dr. Monique May, Board-certified Family Physician and Founder of Physician in the Kitchen™. Through my meal delivery service, cookbooks and cooking utensils I help busy households enjoy healthy eating without impacting their hectic schedules. We all know that doctors recommend regular exercise and a healthy diet to help you live longer, feel better, and decrease the risks for many diseases, but did you know that eating a healthy and well-balanced diet can help you in the bedroom as well? Eating foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories can increase sexual performance for both men and women. Inflammation and oxidation are two processes that cause damage throughout our bodies. Foods that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidation benefits protect our bodies from day-to-day stressors or insults such as sunlight, radiation, smoke or pollution.


So, to get more bang for your buck, so to speak, which foods should be on your grocery list? Oysters are well-known aphrodisiacs, due to their high zinc levels, which increase testosterone production. Testosterone is the male hormone that increases both men and women’s libido (sex drive) and sexual performance. Avoid eating them though if you have a weak immune system.


Avocadoes are also good for sexual health. They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are a natural mood booster and can spark your libido. Remember: the brain is the biggest sex organ so feed it what it needs to get in the mood. If you can boost your natural mood enhancers, you may be well on your way to a satisfying sexual experience.


You may not have been fond of asparagus as a kid, but it is full of B vitamins such as B6 and folic, which are important for arousal and orgasm, so eat up!


Nuts are a sexy snack option. Eating just three to four handfuls of pistachios a day can significantly decrease erectile dysfunction in as little as three weeks. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and peanuts contain Vitamin E, another libido-booster.


Dark leafy green vegetables (arugula, spinach, cabbage and kale) and citrus fruits (limes, lemon, and oranges, which contain vitamin C) increase nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide is a chemical that is released as a result of exercise or sexual activity, and plays a key role in a man’s ability to achieve and keep an erection. Berries contain other antioxidant and anti-inflammatory natural chemicals that help decrease erectile dysfunction. Dark chocolate stimulates libido and increases blood flow to the genitals too.


Now that you know which foods can help increase your libido and boost your sexual performance, you can plan an ideal date night dinner menu like a boss! Start with a watermelon, arugula and tomato salad, topped with walnuts and fresh mint. Follow that with salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, combined with dark leafy greens as a side dish, for a plateful of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents to help increase your mood, arousal, and sexual performance. For dessert, whip up a dark chocolate-avocado mousse or have dark-chocolate dipped strawberries. Wash it all down with a glass of red wine and watch the magic happen!


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